Per the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act (2016), the Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP), and Florida Statue 403.067 (7), and in response to the 2021 Water Feasibility Study, Citrus County (the County) initiated the Citrus County Septic Upgrade Incentive Project (Septic Upgrade Project) to help Citrus County citizens with grant funding. The Septic Upgrade Project begins at 8:00 a.m. Monday, June 21, 2021, and ends at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 30, 2026. The Septic Upgrade Project is subject to funding availability with a State grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The Septic Upgrade Project grants are strictly limited to only eligible targeted areas pre-approved by FDEP, as shown on page 8 of this project guide. The Septic Upgrade Project is available until the $3,932,947 of FDEP grant funding is thoroughly exhausted or September 30, 2026.
Eligible Grant Expenditures
The Septic Upgrade Project offers a one-time grant award of up to $7,000, per county parcel, to cover grant eligible expenses to install nitrogen-reducing enhancements to an existing conventional Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS). Funding will be provided directly to a registered septic installer or licensed plumber who contracts with the Homeowner upon job completion, inspection, and final review of the eligible expenses. If the registered septic installer or licensed plumber chosen by the Homeowner does not wish to be reimbursed by the County, the Homeowner may submit all required documentation in addition to all paid invoices for services rendered along with proof of payment for reimbursement. The proof of payment must be a cleared bank check, credit/debit card receipt, or copy of a cashier’s check.
Septic Upgrade Project Grant Eligible Invoices include:
The FDOH registered septic installer or a licensed plumber’s costs to remediate a Homeowner’s OSTDS to include nitrogen-reducing enhancements. The remediation of the OSTDS must be in a pre-approved area designated by FDEP. The installation costs include all required permit forms from the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) and the Citrus County Building Department.
For more information on OSTDS systems, please click on the FDOH website below:
For additional information, please contact Citrus County FDOH-Environmental Health section at (352) 527-0068 or email them at;
Applicant Process Criteria
- The Homeowner submits a Grant Application online through SurveyMonkey. The application link is posted on the Citrus County Housing Services Division webpage. If the Homeowner cannot apply online, they may submit an application to the Housing Services Division by mail or in person.
- The application will be assigned a grant number for tracking purposes. If the grant application form is incomplete, the Housing Services Division will contact the applicant by the preferred method chosen by the applicant.
- The Housing Services Division will email daily the Department of Water Resources to review the parcel number and confirm the location is not currently in the five-year master plan to have a possible sewer connection. If in five-year plan, the Housing Services Division will send the Homeowner an acknowledgement form which they must agree to, sign, and return to Housing Services to proceed with the application process. This acknowledgement states they understand they will be required to connect to the County’s Wastewater System once available and that the Homeowner still wishes to proceed. (This may be the case for Homeowners with current septic issues that need to be fixed/corrected and cannot wait due to environmental concerns.)
- The Housing Services Division notifies the Homeowner of the eligibility determination. If approved, the Housing Division remits a Grant Reimbursement Packet checklist to the Homeowner by email and/or mail according to the Homeowners preference.
- The registered septic installer or licensed plumber obtains the required permits and completes the work.
- Upon completion of the site work, the Homeowner, registered septic installer, or licensed plumber requests the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) inspection.
7.) Once inspected and approved by the County Building Department and FDOH, the Homeowner will remit the Grant Reimbursement Packet online through SurveyMonkey or directly to the Housing Services Division.
8.) The Housing Services Division will review the Packet and forward to the Grants Division for final approval.
9.) The Grants Division will review and award up to $7,000 in a grant reimbursement to the registered septic installer or licensed plumber. Reimbursements will be made directly to the Homeowner if applicable. Please allow time for the reimbursements to be processed.
Grant Application Checklist:
Septic Upgrade Project
Grant Reimbursement Packet
Grant Application Form | |
FDOH Permit & A County Building Permit | |
Invoices provided by a registered septic installer or licensed plumber to remediate a Homeowner’s existing septic tank with nitrogen-reducing enhancements. | |
W-9 Form from party being reimbursed |
Eligible application awards remain on a first‐approved application basis. Please submit applications in their entirety. The County may determine that further information is necessary to process a grant request and contact the applicant by email/mail for additional documentation. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide all requested information. The County does not consider incomplete applications. The Grant applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted.
Ineligible Grant Applicants:
- A Homeowner with unpaid County code enforcement liens, fees, or property taxes.
- Homeowner with the adjudication of guilt withheld for a crime which is a felony or financial mismanagement within the last two years.
- Homeowner with a residence not in an approved FDEP Area.
- Non-residential Properties.
Septic Upgrade Incentive Project
Per the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act (2016), the Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP), and Florida Statue 403.067 (7), and in response to the 2021 Water Feasibility Study, Citrus County (the County) initiated the Citrus County Septic Upgrade Incentive Project (Septic Upgrade Project) to help Citrus County citizens with grant funding. The Septic Upgrade Project begins at 8:00 a.m. Monday, June 21, 2021, and ends at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, September 30, 2026. The Septic Upgrade Project is subject to funding availability with a State grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The Septic Upgrade Project grants are strictly limited to only eligible targeted areas pre-approved by FDEP, as shown on page 8 of this project guide. The Septic Upgrade Project is available until the $3,932,947 of FDEP grant funding is thoroughly exhausted or September 30, 2026.
Eligible Grant Expenditures
The Septic Upgrade Project offers a one-time grant award of up to $7,000, per county parcel, to cover grant eligible expenses to install nitrogen-reducing enhancements to an existing conventional Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS). Funding will be provided directly to a registered septic installer or licensed plumber who contracts with the Homeowner upon job completion, inspection, and final review of the eligible expenses. If the registered septic installer or licensed plumber chosen by the Homeowner does not wish to be reimbursed by the County, the Homeowner may submit all required documentation in addition to all paid invoices for services rendered along with proof of payment for reimbursement. The proof of payment must be a cleared bank check, credit/debit card receipt, or copy of a cashier’s check.
Septic Upgrade Project Grant Eligible Invoices include:
The FDOH registered septic installer or a licensed plumber’s costs to remediate a Homeowner’s OSTDS to include nitrogen-reducing enhancements. The remediation of the OSTDS must be in a pre-approved area designated by FDEP. The installation costs include all required permit forms from the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) and the Citrus County Building Department.
For more information on OSTDS systems, please click on the FDOH website below:
For additional information, please contact Citrus County FDOH-Environmental Health section at (352) 527-0068 or email them at;
Applicant Process Criteria
- The Homeowner submits a Grant Application online through SurveyMonkey. The application link is posted on the Citrus County Housing Services Division webpage. If the Homeowner cannot apply online, they may submit an application to the Housing Services Division by mail or in person.
- The application will be assigned a grant number for tracking purposes. If the grant application form is incomplete, the Housing Services Division will contact the applicant by the preferred method chosen by the applicant.
- The Housing Services Division will email daily the Department of Water Resources to review the parcel number and confirm the location is not currently in the five-year master plan to have a possible sewer connection. If in five-year plan, the Housing Services Division will send the Homeowner an acknowledgement form which they must agree to, sign, and return to Housing Services to proceed with the application process. This acknowledgement states they understand they will be required to connect to the County’s Wastewater System once available and that the Homeowner still wishes to proceed. (This may be the case for Homeowners with current septic issues that need to be fixed/corrected and cannot wait due to environmental concerns.)
- The Housing Services Division notifies the Homeowner of the eligibility determination. If approved, the Housing Division remits a Grant Reimbursement Packet checklist to the Homeowner by email and/or mail according to the Homeowners preference.
- The registered septic installer or licensed plumber obtains the required permits and completes the work.
- Upon completion of the site work, the Homeowner, registered septic installer, or licensed plumber requests the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) inspection.
7.) Once inspected and approved by the County Building Department and FDOH, the Homeowner will remit the Grant Reimbursement Packet online through SurveyMonkey or directly to the Housing Services Division.
8.) The Housing Services Division will review the Packet and forward to the Grants Division for final approval.
9.) The Grants Division will review and award up to $7,000 in a grant reimbursement to the registered septic installer or licensed plumber. Reimbursements will be made directly to the Homeowner if applicable. Please allow time for the reimbursements to be processed.
Grant Application Checklist:
Septic Upgrade Project
Grant Reimbursement Packet
Grant Application Form | |
FDOH Permit & A County Building Permit | |
Invoices provided by a registered septic installer or licensed plumber to remediate a Homeowner’s existing septic tank with nitrogen-reducing enhancements. | |
W-9 Form from party being reimbursed |
Eligible application awards remain on a first‐approved application basis. Please submit applications in their entirety. The County may determine that further information is necessary to process a grant request and contact the applicant by email/mail for additional documentation. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide all requested information. The County does not consider incomplete applications. The Grant applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted.
Ineligible Grant Applicants:
- A Homeowner with unpaid County code enforcement liens, fees, or property taxes.
- Homeowner with the adjudication of guilt withheld for a crime which is a felony or financial mismanagement within the last two years.
- Homeowner with a residence not in an approved FDEP Area.
- Non-residential Properties.